Will Cotton: the Madeleine de Proust’s Pop Art baker

Cotton’s paintings and sculptures test the metaphors of excess, hedonism, dependency, escape, decadence and our own human fallibilities. It is very relevant to create a utopian world to mask our follies, and what happens when this world falls into decadence. It has matured with Pop Art which says, here is the brilliant advertising and marketing variation of life, and also right here is the star. He likes the artificiality of it all, but that has never actually been what motivates him. There are a lot of realist painters who work today as they did back then and who are really interested in truth, facts and all the rest, but that was never his goal. The world is dark and horrible enough, and he prefers to paint a fantasy variation of it.

“Every little thing is a matter of intimacy between the painter and his model “
Cotton will certainly say that he “cooks”, because he loves sweets and he has immersed himself in them so deeply that it has had an effect on the paintings. He says, “So if I just bought my cakes and also desserts, I wouldn’t have the intimacy with the subject matter that I have when I bake the cakes and decorate them myself. “

His paintings are inspired by a range of subjects including the children’s board game Sweet Land, George Petty’s pin-up posters, Frederick Edwin’s church landscape paintings and William Adolphe Bouguereau’s academically painted nudes.

Cotton has declared his work. I imagine that the only materials the figure in the painting has at hand to decorate or clothe themselves with are made of sweets.”

For more information: https://www.asifmag.com/story/will-cotton

Emotional storytelling lesson. Focus on the story first.

This 2010 Ad is amazing because it works without dialogues. We have no real information about the man. We are very curious about lack of context and feel emotionally connected with his loneliness and human experience. The situation is really difficult for him, he will probably die. If we will be there, we will save him, for sure. It could be us. Sometimes life gives us the feeling to be lost. It can be linked to family disaster, losing a job situation, love connection ending. So, everybody can imagine to be this man and understand the pain and loneliness of life sometimes. In such a situation we hope to find someone who can help us. And where and who ?

This is really a powerful way to communicate with a universal message, far from a classical promotional Ad for Hotel resorts. In a saturated world by manipulation, new generations need emotional trust and engaging tags to give breath and light to their mind. This can only happen with sincere and universal communication, this intelligent way to see things elevate our mind and will in the end connect our soul with the brand. We move from sales connection experience to human values. This is a deep effect in this storytelling here and very successful. This is not a trick. There is a humanist message here. We are far from basic mercantile campaign.

As Digital Native Citizen, we will never forget this video and will be connected with Shangri La hotels not as customers but as followers and believers, forever.

Looks at the making off of this video here. Brilliant.

Art therapies can help reduce anxiety and stress.

TOPIC: Get better mental health by practicing artistic activities even if you are not really good in.

We all know that art can change your life, but what about helping to save it?

An Art Therapist may use a variety of art methods including drawing, painting, sculpture, and collage with clients ranging from young children to the elderly. Clients who have experienced emotional trauma, physical violence, domestic abuse, anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues can benefit from expressing themselves creatively. Hospitals, private mental health offices, schools, and community organizations are all possible settings where art therapy services may be available.

In most art therapy sessions, the focus is on your inner experience—your feelings, perceptions, and imagination. While art therapy may involve learning skills or art techniques, the emphasis is generally first on developing and expressing images that come from inside the person, rather than those he or she sees in the outside world.. ”

explains Cathy Maldiochi in The Art Therapy Sourcebook.

Doctors noted that individuals suffering from mental illness often expressed themselves in drawings and other artworks, which led many to explore the use of art as a healing strategy. Since then, art has become an important part of the therapeutic field and is used in some assessment and treatment techniques.

Watch student and teachers Studying art therapy in the Master’s programme at Alanus University in Germany

Visit Alanus school website here

WestWorld, a millennial DNA descent inside Hyper & Post-Humanism

TOPIC: WestWorld a millennial journey through Hyper & Post-Humanism fundamental existential questions. Look at the amazing 3D sculptor work from Jose Limon – Lead CG Modeler here.

The 3D sculptor work of Jose Limon – Lead CG Modeler for the introduction scene create this perfect symbiosis between Biology and Cyber. The 3D core sculpting process in ZBrush match the hosts creation process in the TV series.

With this original TV-series concept, HBO created a perfect visionary vision of the fears, desires, questions and beliefs of the millennials. This existential revamped and today concept comes almost 20 years after “The Matrix” from The Wachowskis brothers. In 2018, people have changed and are not the same as in 1999. In those years, emerging hyper connection was still in development, and the fears to be fooled and controlled by an invisible artificial intelligence was the seed of modern S-F, literature and movies. This frightening awakening in a devastated reality was a strong message from The Wachowskis brothers against our beliefs and certainty about our life. Today, new generations have literally been awakened in this modern hyper-connected world that we live today. They are not in front of a new emerging disturbing unknown world, THEY are THIS world.

WestWorld project brings in front of the scene two millennials existential profiles: the Post-Humanism and the Hyper-Humanism.

The balance here is clear: Master & Servant or here.. Guest & Host.

Post-Humanism is the control of your enhanced body through technology, this is an individualist and narcissistic behavior.

The Guests and Employees of WestWorld are clearly on that side. This is us. Enjoying & abusing of new technology to give a better experience in our core human body and spirit. We are the center of the world but dramatically alone in this process, we have the right of life and death on any high-technology avatars around us. Post-Humanism is as an elitist, egotistical and narcissistic process.

The Hosts of WestWorld are the “Cybion”*, the result of the marriage of cybernetics and biology. Human characteristics have been overdeveloped and even more human than evolution has produced, becoming “SUPRAHUMAN” to enter the Hyper-Humanism age.

The symbiosis leading to Hyper-Humanism might develop other dimensions of the brain today obscured or inhibited.

Joël de Rosnay writes : “...it is no longer about reaching biological immortality, as transhumanists (“Post-Humanists” NDLR) desire, but achieving virtual immortality by ensuring that humanity as a whole – hyperhumanity – benefits virtually in real time from all innovations and creations, the fruits of labour and thought of people connected to this collective intelligence, the ultimate development point of the complexity and awareness towards which the universe is heading. A “Point Omega” rather than a point of Singularity.

The poetic message and very good scenario approach of WestWorld TV series illustrate the emergence of this new era, this symbiotic revolution of human beings, this Cybionisation of mankind.

We are absorbing new technology in our brain and cells to mutate to a new generation hyper connected of Hyper Humans. Which means to consider the integration of human beings and their symbiosis, rather than their individual transformation.

The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are, a place to be free, to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities.”
Dolores Abernathy, The Original

* From the book of Joël de Rosnay “The Symbiotic Man” (Seuil, 1995)

Read also this article here: Artificial Intelligence: Transhumanism is Narcissistic. We Must Strive for Hyperhumanism
Article by Joël de Rosnay published on “L’OBS Le Plus” – April 26, 2015

Beautiful animated mosaic campaign for Cyprus Airways

TOPIC: A series of mosaic portraits (photographic collages, photomosaics) for the brand new advertising campaign of Cyprus Airways titled “Every smile has its moment“.

Every smile has its moment, is the name of this advertising campaign based on instant snapshot flying pictures like thousands of emotional facets of our holiday experience as digital native. Cyprus Airways, is THE brand name loved by the Cypriots and the visitors of the island. The goal was to express the sunny and fulfilling feelings of the island life as well as the beauty of the country and its people. He had to portray various types of people from various ethnic and age groups using photos from our beautiful island but also from a specific list of activities, like weddings, entertainment, outdoor sports, dinning, etc.

The result of this visual campaign is really original and visually immersive. Feelings, memories and mixed emotions are clearly here use as dancing particles of joy in our brain, the souvenirs.

A series of mosaic illustrations (photomosaic collages) for the advertising campaign of Cyprus Airways.

The author Charis Tsevis has already produced a series of digital mosaic art called “My Endless Summer” and exposed last year in The Collection Gallery at Cyprus. He explains his art and vista like this: “Memory pieces crafted on the digital canvas to mark each and every one of the things we remember, things we envied, things we feel nostalgic about and everything that was worth saving in our memories“.

Charis Tsevis is a Greek visual designer living and working in Pafos, Cyprus. He manages a studio on the island of Cyprus serving clients all over the world.

His client list includes companies like Nike, Google, Ferrari, PepsiCo, Toyota and IKEA, advertising agencies like TBWA\Chiat\Day, Saatchi & Saatchi LA, DDB Munich and Leo Burnett Hong Kong and media like Time, Fortune, Wired and the Wall Street Journal.

Agency: Pandora Ogilvy, Nicosia, Cyprus
Head of Creative: George Spiliopoulos
Creative Director: Elias Moustakeas
Digital illustration: Charis Tsevis, Paphos, Cyprus


Inspire your mind with InSpirit, digital soul mandala design

TOPIC: Create beautiful mandala & kaleidoscope art with InSpirit, a very handy application designed by Escape Motions, a young generation Slovakian company.

Escape Motions describe the application as “a relaxing painting app for creative souls that lets you create mesmerizing mandalas and kaleidoscope artworks and watch them slowly evolve in time. The application beautifully combines art, spiritual and relaxing elements. It is an endlessly regenerating well that allows to unwind in the most artistic way. InSpirit is designed for creative young and old souls. Simply paint, meditate and feel the moment of simple presence.

InSpirit is really a way to relax your mind by making creative activity anyway. When you play music with hang drum for example, you create music with reduced constraints in melody, music notes understanding or solfege knowledge. This is a new way for new generation to express themselves in a very specific emotional mind and body reconnection. With InSpirit, you can move your spirit, not in music like with hang drum, but in a visual kaleidoscope colorful open eyes dream.

In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction. The beauty of this application is to link: mind, soul, body and world in a digital native exploration.

Escape Motions is the creator of: Rebelle 3, Flame Painter, AmberLight, InSpirit.
Discover their creative software and Apps on: https://www.escapemotions.com